June 13, 2004
George Aratani Medal Play Tournament
at Oak Quarry G.C.

"Championship" Flight
Winners Points Players Club Net
Low Gross Kenwood 1 Michael Mitani WS 69
1st 150 + Kenwood 1 Mars Matsunaga TRU 69
2nd 100 + Kenwood 2 Norman Nishi WS 69
3rd 80 + Kenwood 3 Mas Naito WS 69
4th 60 Norm Naito BR 70
4th 60 Ricky Matsui WS 70
4th 60 Mike Mitani WS 70

"A" Flight
Winners Points Players Club Net
1st 150 + Kenwood 1 Mike Sebaugh OC 66
2nd 100 + Kenwood 2 Paul Yanagisawa WS 67
3rd 80 + Kenwood 3 Kirk Tanioka WS 68
4th 70 Mark Arima OC 68
5th 28 Jim Matsuba WS 69
5th 28 George Takenouchi TRU 69
5th 28 Terry Matsumoto BR 69
5th 28 Len Midtgaard WS 69

"Champ/A Flight" Skins
Hole # Champ 33 pts ea. A-Flight 330 pts ea. Progressive 30 pts ea.
1 Cancelled Cancelled
2 Cancelled Cancelled
3 Cancelled Cancelled
4 Cancelled Cancelled
5 Cancelled Cancelled
6 Cancelled ****
7 Richard Smith (BR) **** Richard Smith 210 pts
8 Lance Kubo (TF) **** Lance Kubo 30 pts
9 Jon Utsunomiya (BR) **** Jon Utsunomiya 30 pts
10 **** Cancelled
11 Mars Matsunaga (TRU) Cancelled
12 Cancelled Cancelled
13 Sharkey Ikeda ((TRU) **** Sharkey Ikeda 120 pts
14 **** Taka Kotabe (TF) Taka Kotabe 30 pts
15 Mas Naito (WS) Cancelled
16 Cancelled ****
17 **** ****
18 Bob Goto (TF) Eagle-2 Cancelled Bob Goto 120 pts

"B" Flight
Winners Points Players Club Net
1st 150 + Kenwood 1 Delta Uyenoyama WS 64
2nd 100 + Kenwood 2 Hiro Murakami WLA 66
3rd 80 + Kenwood 3 Hideo Shimoda WLA 66
4th 70 Tom Okimoto KOK 68
5th 60 Geoff Chow NM 68
6th 50 Glenn Yamashita WS 69

"C" Flight
Winners Points Players Club Net
1st 150 + Kenwood 1 Russ Nagata OC 64
2nd 100 + Kenwood 2 Art Haraga WLA 65
3rd 80 + Kenwood 3 Ken Nishi WS 68
4th 60 Harry Hikida OC 69
4th 60 Jim Abe OC 69
4th 60 Kevin Younce KOK 69

"B/C Flight" Skins
Hole # B-Flight 47 pts ea. C-Flight 77 pts ea. Progressive 27 pts ea.
1 Cancelled Cancelled
2 Ken Shintaku (KOK) **** Ken Shintaku 54 pts
3 **** ****
4 Hiro Murakami (WLA) Art Haraga (WLA)
5 Cancelled Art Haraga (WLA)
6 **** ****
7 Warren Tanaka (SC) Ko Kusano (SC)
8 Cancelled ****
9 David Abe (NM) **** David Abe 189 pts
10 **** ****
11 Jim Okamura (SC) **** Jim Okamura 54 pts
12 **** ****
13 **** ****
14 **** ****
15 Cancelled Hubert Chow (WS)
16 Shu Mukai (SC) **** Shu Mukai 135 pts
17 **** ****
18 Hiro Murakami (WLA) **** Hiro Murakami 54pts

Hawaiian Doubles
Winners Points Buyer Score Total
1st 305 Hiro Murakami
Hideo Shomoda
1st 305 Ken Nishi
Delta Uyenoyama
3rd 50 Harry Nishihara
Russ Nagata
3rd 50 Tom Okimoto
Hiro Murakami
3rd 50 Hiro Murakami
Geoff Chow

Closest to the Pin
Hole # Champ/A Flights 70 pts ea. B/C Flights 80 pts ea.
3 Bob Goto (TF) Larry Saika (WS)
5 Hiro Takiguchi (WS) Art Haraga (WLA)
10 Norman Nishi (WS) Warren Tanaka (SC)
14 Jerry Sugai (WLA) Hubert Chow (WS)

Kenwood 1 = Kenwood System
Kenwood 2 = Speakers
Kenwood 3 = DVD Player


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